Wargaming Machines:
A Site for Computer-Assisted Historical Miniatures Wargames


Games Listing

This page provides a brief description of the different games systems currently available. Each game is briefly described, and information on how to obtain it is given (free download, URLs for purchase, etc.), along with whatever technological requirements/limitations I know about. Anyone who notices something missing should contact me with details.

    Application of Force

    This is a website which provides web apps for playing miniatures wargames on devices. (Some of the games have been prototyped here, at Wargaming Machines.) It is a free service, giving access to multiple games. All are suitable for use on tablets and smartphones as well as PCs. Focus is on historical games, but also covers Victorian science-fiction and other not-strictly-historical subjects. The site can be found here, and provides information about current game offerings, subscriptions, and more.

    Carnage & Glory

    This is perhaps the oldest and best known of the computer-assisted (they use the term "computer-moderated") miniatures wargames systems. Originally written as a DOS program, it is now Windows-based. With different programs covering Pike & Shot, Marlburian, Seven Years' War, Napoleonics, American Civil War, and 19th Century European conflicts, the system has a broad scope. It uses the computer to handle all aspects of record-keeping and logistics, as well as to moderate combat. I can speak from experience - this game is great fun, and leverages many of the advantages of applying computers to tabletop miniatures games. It is highly recommended. Currently, there is work on a campaign system to supplement the tactical programs. The Carnage & Glory II site has up-to-date descriptions and information about purchase.

    Berthier Campaign Manager

    Another veteran of the genre, Berthier Campaign Manager is a system not for conducting tabletop battles, but for taking the pain out of managing campaigns. It has been through several iterations, and (as of this writing) is in version 9. It is a stand-alone program for Windows. Information (and free download) is available here.


    This is a free campaign system based on the Berthier engine. It is a virtualization of campaigns run using a set of glued-together matchboxes, hence the name (yes, sadly, I am old enough to remember this...). The system is available here. It is a stand-alone Windows application, requiring only unzipping - no install.

    Computer Strategies, Ltd.

    Yet another veteran of the genre, Clinton Reilly's Computer Moderated Wargame Rules for Historical Miniatures has information about all of the many rules sets he offers, covering many historical periods (land warfare from the Biblical period to Moderns), fantasy, and Victorian science fiction, with each period in its own program (see the listing on the home page - there are 14 entries as of this writing). The programs are developed to run on Windows (it was originally DOS-based). Each period-specific program supports tactical, grand-tactical, and campaign-level play. Information on purchase is available on the site.

    Revolution: The Wargame

    This is an app-driven game for the battles of the French Revolutionary period. It is an Android app which can be purchased from Google Play. The features are described on Kickstarter and there is a Facebook Group as well. Produced by TundraWorks Miniatures in Ottawa, who also make 18mm miniatures for the period.

    Active Armor

    A grand-tactical game of WWII combat, where battalions are the maneuver units and players run division- or corps-sized formations. Battles can run for multiple days. The game is a Microsoft HTML Application (*.hta), so it will run on any computer which has Internet Explorer on it (and likely any modern version of Windows). The game is free and can be downloaded here. Just unzip on your computer and double-click on the file ActiveArmor.htm. (The download, scenarios, and other material are also available here.)

    ShipBase, TankBase, and Related

    ShipBase is a system for running naval miniatures games, covering (at least) WWI and WWII. I am not sure of the current status. Developed originally by a company called ArmourSoft, Inc., the rights to the popular ShipBase III were purchased by Critical Hit, Inc., who still distribute the rules packaged as a board game (including the software), I believe (at least you can still buy the game online). There are a number of interesting links on Dave Ferris' site regarding this system, including various downloads (he was an original developer of these games). He also links to his various tank games (eg, TankBase). ShipBase III is a commercial product - other downloads are free.

    Panzer Combat II

    A set of WWII rules for tank-oriented tactical combat, these are described on the Panzer Combat II site. They employ a web-cam for sighting and firing, and the computer screen for displaying what goes on inside the tank. The game also produces the sound of the tank gun firing. Models are 1/48 or 1/35 scale from what I can see. This looks like a low-level tactical game to me, and one which is quite different from other systems. It has a "high score" feature similar to a video game. The game is open-source (that is, free), and runs on both PCs and tablets (I'm not sure of the platforms, but it was written in Java, so should go cross-platform - a visit to the site may give you a better idea). You can find the sourceforge download here. They have links to an online trial feature (and a YouTube video) on the sourceforge download site. The game is networked, so that it can be run simultaneously on multiple tablets/PCs at the same time, and they will stay in synch.

    Wargames Systems

    Wargames Systems provide computer-assisted games for Windows, including eRules Modern War and eRules WWII, based on the corresponding WRG rulesets. These are commercial offerings. On their site, they also have tabs for "eRules Napoleonics," which is free, and "MapMaker," which looks interesting but has no download that I could find on their site.

    The Electronic Brigadier

    The Electronic Brigadier is a mobile (tablet and phone) based computer-moderated system designed for the horse and musket period. It pairs quick-play tabletop procedures with multiple cloud-based devices to speed and simplify data entry during play. The interface is mobile-friendly and leverages a series of button-based menus. Casualty rates are tuned to match historical losses for each period. Four to six player games can be played to conclusion in 3-4 hours. Games are limited in size only by the availability of figures, table space and number of mobile devices. At this time the game is in development and not available to the public, except at local conventions. (If you are in New England the developer is running a game at Huzzah! 2018.)

    The system has a Google Group and the developer has written about it on his blog. There are also some YouTube videos.


    1848! is a game for simulating the revolutionary European uprisings of that epochal year. Designed for 25mm/28mm figures, it pits players - acting as revolutionary leaders - against the computer, which runs the forces of oppression. It is free, and will run on any device with a Javascript-capable browser. It can be found here.


    Available for free here, AWIRules is a computer-assisted version of the free AWI rules from Will McNally. This is a stand-alone program for Windows, with the only data entry being at set-up - the game itself is mouse-driven. (I heartily approve of this type of design, even if the interface is somewhat dated.)

    The Other Side of the Hill

    This is a Napoleonic 25/28mm skirmish game for the Peninsular War, where all players run British forces and the computer/referee runs the French. Designed to run in a web browser, it should work on any computer or device with a Javascript-enabled browser. This is currently a beta release - download here or see my article about solo wargaming for an online version.

    La Guerre a Outrance

    This is a fast-play system for running grand-tactical Franco-Prussian War battles. The basing is the same as Age of Valor. It will run on any device or computer with a Javascript-enabled web browser. It is an example of a minimalist approach to computer-assisted design, which is described in my article on the subject. (Download links are at the bottom of the article page.) There is also a scenario for the Battle of Spicheren designed for the game.

    Treads and Turrets

    This is a WWII system based on the venerable Tractics rules. They system is free, and can be found here.

    With the Colours in the Late War

    This is a different type of computer-assisted game: one for traditional toy soldiers. It still involves rolling lots of six-sided dice. It is free, and designed to run on any computer or device with a Javascript-capable web browser. The game and rules can be found here.


    This is a game of grand-tactical warfare on the Western Front in WWI for 15mm/18mm miniatures and smaller. The device (it is designed for tablets and smartphones) replaces game charts and rules look-ups - it plays like a typical tabletop game, with six-sided dice used for combat resolution. It is free, and designed to run on any computer or device with a Javascript-capable web browser. The game and rules can be found here.


    This is a set of Napoleonic rules based on Irregular Miniature's 2mm/6mm Napoleonic Rules Box. The Irregular rules are required for play. It can be downloaded here.


    This is a game-play "aide-memoire" which turns textual lists (like turn sequences) into audible prompts using text-to-speech. It can be downloaded here.

    Valkyrx "Intelligent Wargames Table" - Waterloo

    This is not so much a downloadable system as a new hardware-based approach, but it is too cool to ignore! A wargaming table with built-in sensors. You can read about it here.

    Games I Cannot Find

    I have run across mention of a Napoleonic systems which I cannot seem to get an active download for. It looks from the pictures like it might run on a smart phone. It is called ActionFront. If you are the creator of this system, please contact me.

Copyright (c) 2018 by Arofan Gregory. All rights reserved.